PhD Position
Job announcements
iDiv, the German Center for Integrative Biodiversity Research, invites application to a doctoral position in Biodiversity Conservation in the group of Prof. Henrique Pereira.
The biodiversity conservation lab aims at understanding the patterns and processes of global biodiversity change, with the goal of informing environmental policy and management of ecosystems. The candidate will develop research in one of the main topics of the lab: biodiversity monitoring. The project will be defined by the candidate during the first semester of the PhD, but will involve the development and analysis of biodiversity time series in areas that have undergone habitat change in the last decades. The goal is to measure changes of Essential Biodiversity Variables, such as species populations and community composition, in selected areas around the world, using existing data (e.g. GBIF) but also through collaborative field work in a small number of sites. This research will be developed in the context of the Group on Earth Observation Biodiversity Observation Network (
The German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig has for central mission to promote theory-driven synthesis and data-driven theory in integrative biodiversity research. The concept of iDiv encompasses the detection of biodiversity, understanding its emergence, exploring its consequences for ecosystem functions and services, and developing strategies to safeguard biodiversity under global change. The consortium is highly interdisciplinary and offers a unique opportunity to develop a transdisciplinary curriculum with emphasis on the ubiquity of biodiversity. The members of the consortium are spread over Germany, in majority from Martin Luther University Halle- Wittenberg (MLU), Friedrich Schiller University Jena (FSU), Leipzig University (UL) and the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ). The doctoral researcher will benefit of our structured training program yDiv.
Qualification and position:
Due to the integrative nature of iDiv, motivated scientists from all background are welcome to apply. Good command of English is necessary. Applicants must hold, or about to hold, a master degree (or equivalent degree) to start their PhD. Experience in ecological modelling or biodiversity monitoring is desirable. Knowledge in GIS and programming is also welcome.
Applications are only accepted via our application portal under mentioning the research project number. Candidate will upload a letter of motivation tailored to the research project, a curriculum vitae, the digital copy of the highest academic degree (e.g. master), and the recommendation letters from two scientific references. The deadline for application submission is May 17. Selected candidates will be invited to the joint recruitment symposium on June 22-23, 2017. For queries on the application process, please contact
Initial contract is for one year, expected to be extended to three years upon initial objective completions. The salary is in accordance with the German public service salary scale (TV-L E 13, 65% of a full time employment).
Doctoral position in Biodiversity Conservation. MLU 4-3636/17-D /2017
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Henrique Pereira
Lab website:
Work location: Leipzig, Germany
University affiliation: Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
Contract conditions: Initial one year contract + three years. Salary TV-L E13 in accordance with the German public service salary scale, 65% of a full time employment
Application: Motivation letter of up to 2 pages explaining why the candidate is applying and previous experience + CV + digital copy of highest degree + two letters of recommendation by senior scientists + proofs of English language knowledge.
To apply, visit, create your profile and choose the position you want to apply to. For question about the research project, contact: For queries about the application process, please contact
Severely disabled persons are encouraged to apply and will be given preference in the case of equal suitability.