Research Assistant, The Memphis Zoo Department of Research and Conservation

Location: Memphis, TN, United States
Dates: April 15 – Aug 30, 2018.
Application Deadline: January 31, 2018
Contact: Dr. Sinlan Poo (

The Memphis Zoo Department of Research and Conservation is offering two
research assistant positions in behavioral ecology and reproductive
physiology. This program offers a unique research experience in
conservation, with a chance to work with amphibians both in the lab and
in the field (roughly 80% lab work and 20% field work). Interns will
gain experience in a variety of field and laboratory techniques, such as
visual encounter surveys, hormone induced spermiaiton, sperm assessment,
captive breeding, in vitro fertilization, behavioral observations, and
morphological characterization. Additionally, interns will have the
opportunity to communicate their research to the public through
educational outreaches at the Zoo and at professional scientific

Project synopsis:
Amidst the sixth mass extinction, amphibians are one of the most
threatened groups of animals, with more than 30% of amphibians (i.e.
over 2000 species) at risk of extinction. One of the ways to safeguard
species from extinction risks is to keep them in captive colonies. The
ultimate goal of captive colonies, however, is to enhance in situ
conservation of the species by releasing captive individuals and
increasing or reestablishing natural populations. A critical factor that
ultimately determines the success of captive release programs is whether
released individuals have the ability to adapt to natural environments.
With this in mind, we will be working on research projects that
investigate the reproductive biology, behavior, and morphology of
amphibians at various life stages (tadpoles, juvenile, and adult frogs)
in an array of different treatments.

Applicants must have a B.S. or at least three years of college level
course work in biology or a related field. Preference will be given to
individuals with a strong academic record and a particular interest in
ecology and animal behavior. Experience with field studies, laboratory
techniques, data analysis, and amphibian biology is preferred, but not
required. Interns must have a strong work ethic, a willingness and
flexibility to work consecutive days depending on the need of the
animals, and the ability to work independently as well as with a team.

This is an unpaid, full-time (40 hr/wk) internship. Housing will be
provided for the duration of the internship.

Materials to submit:
Applications must be submitted by January 31, 2018 and should include a
(1) letter of interest, (2) CV, (3) unofficial college transcript, and
(4) a list of three references.

The letter of interest should describe the applicant’s interests and
experience related to biology/wildlife with more detail than what is
provided in the CV. In addition, please clearly state the earliest
possible start date within the letter of interest. If possible, submit
these materials as a single PDF file. If recommendation letters are
available, they may be emailed separately.

All materials should be addressed to Dr. Sinlan Poo and emailed to with the applicant’s last name and “Research
Internship” in the subject line. Hiring will begin immediately and
positions will remain open until filled. Applications with incomplete
materials will not be considered.