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Field Technician, The Bisbing Forest Ecology & Silviculture Lab

by Grace L. Schumaker on January 29, 2018

The Bisbing Forest Ecology & Silviculture Lab at UNR ( is hiring one crew
lead and three field technicians to sample at Mountain Home Demonstration State Forest in summer
2018. Technicians will collect data to support silviculture and climate change adaptation research.
Duties will include, but are not limited to, mapping forest composition and structure, collecting basic
forest ecology and health data, surveying understory plant communities, and sampling fuels
transects. Additional responsibilities may include data entry and data quality control.

Preferred candidates will have previous experience working in the field, Sierra Nevada plant
identification skills, knowledge of tree measurements and forest ecosystem sampling, and the ability
to work well with others for long hours under strenuous field conditions. Technicians should be
capable of hiking long distances with a heavy pack, have the ability to work under inclement weather
conditions, and be able to work collegially as part of a research team. Crew leads should have at
least one summer of field technician experience. All crew members must have a valid driver’s license
and be comfortable driving a 4wd truck. Field work will involve driving on backcountry dirt roads and
hiking and navigating off-trail.

The field season will run for 12 consecutive weeks from late May or early June (dependent upon
snowpack) through the end of August. Pay is $15/hour for the crew lead and $12/hr for technician
positions. Housing on-site is provided as is a field vehicle for on-site work. Mountain Home is located
in the beautiful southern Sierra Nevada and boasts one old-growth giant sequoia (Sequiadendron
giganteum) per acre (with 5,000 total!). The Forest is ~22 miles east of Porterville (closest major
town) and 60 miles from Sequoia-Kings National Park.

To apply, send a cover letter, resume, and list of three references to: Dr. Sarah Bisbing at by March 1, 2018.

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