Yosemite Field Assistant

Field Assistant Needed The Woodard lab is seeking two field assistants to help with a queen bumble bee behavioral ecology project in and around Yosemite National Park. Specific duties include catching and tagging queen bumble bees, monitoring bumble bee nest development, and conducting observations of queen foraging behavior. This is a 10-week position from mid May through mid July with housing and travel covered. Some stipend may be available. Applicants must be flexible on exact start and end dates, as these will depend on when queens emerge from diapause in the spring.

Required Skills:  

·      Comfortable catching and handling stinging insects

·      Able to hike over uneven terrain

  ·      Able to lift 50 pounds of equipment

·      Able to work independently

·      Able to work well in a team

·      Excellent attention to detail

·      Excellent troubleshooting skills

·      Excellent communication and conflict management skills

·      Able to work and live in close quarters with little privacy

·      Interest in biology, ecology, or related field Preferred Skills:
·      Valid driver’s license

·      Wilderness first aid experience

·      Previous field work experience                              

To Apply: Please send a cover letter, resume, and the names and contact information (email and phone number) of 2 references to Erica Sarro (esarr002@ucr.edu) and Hollis Woodard (hollisw@ucr.edu), subject line: “Field Assistant Application – YourLastName”. Applications must be received no later than March 25th, 2019.