Western Monarch Social Media Coordinator
Monarch butterfly social media and public outreach coordinator
Coastal California, November 2019 – March 2020
Western monarch butterflies spend the winter in coastal California then migrate inland to breed in late winter/early spring. However, the routes from the wintering sites to the breeding grounds are unknown. We are looking for a talented individual who can help us build knowledge of monarch butterflies during early spring migration by raising awareness through social media, public outreach, and other creative approaches. Our goal is to collect sightings from as large an audience as possible between coastal overwintering groves and the east side of the Coast Range.
Position will support research as part of National Science Foundation grant to understand wintering biology of western monarch. The grant funds a collaborative team including Tufts University, Washington State University, UC Sant Cruz and Xerces Society for Invertebrate Collaboration. Exact position location to be determined in consultation with the successful candidate, but must be based within 5-20 miles of the monarch overwintering groves. We expect the position will be part-time in November 2019 – January 2020 and full-time in February – March 2020.
Job requirements include
1. Strong social media presence and experience with social media
2. Experience organizing community-based activities and/or networking to communicate ideas to a broad audience
3. Knowledge of ecology (minimum BA or BS degree with major or minor in ecology, environmental studies, or related field)
4. Ability to work with people from diverse backgrounds
5. Excellent communication skills
To apply, please send cover letter, cv and names/contact information for two references to Cheryl Schultz, schultzc@wsu.edu by November 10, 2019. Position is open until filled. Contact Cheryl Schultz for more information, 360-546-9525 or schultzc@wsu.edu