National Science Foundation Research Traineeship Trainee
The National Science Foundation Research Traineeship (NRT) at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln is an interdisciplinary employment and education opportunity. We hire students from many different STEM disciplines to go to graduate school and conduct research related to resilience and the sustainability of food, energy, water, and ecosystem services, particularly in the Platte River Basin in Nebraska.
Suitable background disciplines and areas of study for students in this interdisciplinary program include agronomy, biological sciences, biological systems engineering, civil engineering, computer sciences, economics, entomology, environmental science, geosciences, natural resources, plant sciences, and public policy. Students will take part in special trainings and classes besides their regular schoolwork and will conduct research and write a paper or produce a product.
Students receive a stipend ($34,000 a year for up to two years for master’s students and $36,000 a year for up to three years for Ph.D. students) while successfully completing the training and earning their advanced degree in a field related to our research. Students also receive remitted tuition and health insurance while in the traineeship. They take a trip to The Netherlands (and, usually, two other European countries like France and Spain) to compare water structures there with ones in Nebraska.
We seek to hire five students to start graduate school and the NRT traineeship on August 1, 2020. First-generation college students and students from minority groups underrepresented in the sciences are especially encouraged to apply. International students are not eligible for this National Science Foundation program.
To apply, please email the following to Ronica Stromberg, Program Coordinator, at
• Statement or letter of interest
• Curriculum vitae
• Academic transcripts
• GRE or GMAT scores
• UNL department in which you would plan to use the graduate school tuition benefit
For more information, email Ms. Stromberg or see
Deadline for applications: March 15, 2020
Start date: August 1, 2020