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Undergraduate Tech Positions in Plant Insect Ecology Summer 2020

by Marilene Rivas-Chavez on February 28, 2020

Description: Are you fascinated by unlocking the secrets of the natural world? We seek 1-2 undergraduate students to fill positions as field technicians working in beautiful grasslands in western Montana and southern Wisconsin. The project is investigating how interactions between plants and their insect herbivores vary across climatic regions. Technicians will work with research ecologists from the University of Florida to establish experiments and collect data on plants, insects, and their interactions. The students will gain training in experimental ecology, data collection and management, and acquire valuable field experience.

Position details: Full-time seasonal positions (May through late August 2019). Pay is $12/hour, depending on experience. The positions will be based at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Field Station in southeastern Wisconsin. The work will mainly be at the field station and surrounding grasslands. Duties involve planting and tending to common garden experiments, collecting and taking scientific measurements on plants and insects, and other work related to plant-insect ecology in the field and lab. Opportunities may exist for developing independent research projects and learning to use R. Several short trips (around 5 days) to field sites in western Montana may be required. Housing is available at the field station and travel and lodging at remote field sites are covered.

Qualifications: Interest in ecology, botany, entomology, or field biology, with some relevant coursework. Applicants must be enthusiastic about working outdoors as part of a team under a range of conditions, able to hike several miles, and have a valid driver’s license. Previous field experience and familiarity with native plants and insects is a plus, but not required. Applicants must be undergraduate students pursuing a B.S. degree in biology, ecology, or related field.

TO APPLY: Please send the following documents to Phil Hahn ( with the subject line “Ecology Tech 2020”: 1) a cover letter (~1 page) describing your experience, general interests in ecology, and interest in the project, 2) resume, and 3) list of two references. We will begin reviewing applications March 6th, so please consider applying soon.

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