Research Opportunities with New Entry

New Entry is open to students and faculty conducting independent research at Moraine farm, a 15 acre incubator/training farm and food hub in Beverly, MA. Ideally, any independent research agenda would also benefit New Entry and the farmers we work with. This could include conducting independent research on topics such as small-scale diversified vegetable operations, beginning farmers, reduced or no-till cropping systems, and direct-to-consumer markets.

In addition, students could work with New Entry on a variety of ongoing projects related to program evaluation, value-added production for small scale farmers, and risk management. We’re also developing a possible project around hydroponics that would benefit from student involvement. While we no longer have internships available this semester, we will likely have openings in the spring and summer. Students can also apply work study funds towards their work with New Entry.

Our mission statement for some additional context:

The New Entry Sustainable Farming Project’s (New Entry) mission is to improve our local and regional food systems by training the next generation of farmers to produce food that is sustainable, nutritious, and culturally-preferred and making this food accessible to individuals regardless of age, mobility, ethnicity, or socio-economic status.  In doing this work, we provide critical training, career development, and economic opportunity to new farmers.

Interested applicants should send inquiries and/or a cover letter and resume to: Kevin Cody, Farmer Training Program Manager at

More information about student involvement at New Entry can be found here: