Seasonal forest ecology and botany field crew positions, UC Davis

Seasonal forest ecology and botany field crew leaders and members with the lab of Dr. Hugh Safford

University of California, Davis

Multiple duty stations in the Sierra Nevada and northern California mountains

Application deadline: February 11, 2021
Start date: Mid-May to early June, 2021
End date: mid-October to early November, 2021

$18.34 (crew member) to $21.16 (crew lead) per hour, plus options for health insurance

Up to four field crews (one crew leader and one to three crew members per crew) are needed to collect ecological data related to forests, fire, and vegetation in support of research and monitoring on public lands. The crews will conduct field sampling primarily related to vegetation (e.g. forest stand structure, plant species composition, tree mortality, vegetation regeneration), but also related to forest fuels, meadows, soils, hydrology, forest insects and disease, fire severity, and other ecological parameters. One person per crew will be hired primarily as a botanist, but the botanist will be trained in and participate in all sampling methods in addition to plant identification. The crew leaders will each supervise a field crew and will be responsible for equipment and data management throughout the season. US Forest Service ecologists and UC Davis researchers from the lab of Dr. Hugh Safford will supervise the field crews but will only occasionally accompany the crews during field sampling. The data will be collected to support long-term monitoring, original scientific research, and evaluation of forest management activities and needs. Work will be located in the Sierra Nevada and northern California mountains, primarily on national forest lands but with some possible work in national parks or other ownerships.

More Information:
Detailed position information and complete application instructions are posted at the link below. Please review the instructions carefully before emailing with questions (rbwayman at

Thanks for your interest!