Greenopia 2021 Summer Internship

Email Isabella Barbera, Outreach Coordinator, at, by Thursday (3/4) if interested, and Gay Browne will follow up with them the week of March 8th. Gay Browne is a Personal Environmental Health Advisor and Author of Living with a Green Heart: How to Keep Your Body, Your Home, and the Planet Healthy in a Toxic World (April 2019), a roadmap for making incremental changes that will not only transform your life, but heal the world we share. She is also the Founder of Greenopia: a comprehensive city guide of sustainable businesses to help consumers eat, shop, and live green. 

Greenopia 2021 Summer Internship:

Greenopia is a database of local green businesses and services, based on a stringent set of criteria mixing environmental health, best climate practices and human rights, social equality (BIPOC) and other relevant UN 17 SDGs and local standards.  

Every year, we undergo a massive screening process, focusing on 15 major cities, with over 20 categories of businesses.  We expect this year we will review up to 1.5m businesses to come up with a list of 500k qualified ones.  

The internship will be done remotely however, you must have a reliable internet source and your own computer.  The team will have weekly check-ins to go over lists and in some cases, you will need to call the business to nudge or help them finish the application that you send them in the screening process.  

You will be paid $4,500 for three months and a $500 bonus for completing all the applications in your area.  We have three geographical locations: West, Midwest and East Coast.  If you have a preference let me know.