Shark and Ray Research Project 2022 – Enroll by Dec 31

Coastal Marine Education and Research Academy (CMERA)

Shark and Ray Research Project 2022 in Clearwater, FL

Summer Program: Hands-on, marine field research experience in Clearwater, Florida.  All participants will be involved in all aspects of a local population study on sharks and rays.  This includes setting and retrieving nets and longlines, handling and identifying captured animals, tagging and measuring all captured sharks and rays, potentially collecting DNA or tissue samples, recording data, and releasing animals.  Each day begins with a lecture on shark and ray identification, biology, physiology, and conservation as well as our local ecosystems, species, and other conservation topics.  After the 1 – 2 hour lecture in the morning, the day continues with 6 – 8 hours of field research aboard our vessels.

Who should attend: Anyone 18 years of age or older interested in pursuing a career in the natural sciences would greatly benefit from this hands-on opportunity.  This includes incoming freshmen, currently enrolled students, and college graduates.  This program provides invaluable research and wild animal handling experience.  Such unique field training will make you a competitive candidate for future internships, graduate school, and jobs.  There are no prerequisites and no previous experience is necessary.

Course credit:  Most students receive credit for our program and should discuss receiving course credit for this program with their advisor.  Whether or not you receive course credit, this field research experience will be a very beneficial addition to your résumé or CV.  Credit is often listed as research experience, internship credits, independent study, capstone project, marine biology/science credit, and other related titles.

Housing: Affordable and fully furnished housing is available to our summer program participants and includes Wi-Fi, a full kitchen, linens, and laundry facilities.

Transportation:  After arriving in the Tampa/Clearwater, FL area, transportation is provided to/from: airport, bus station, our classrooms and boats, and the grocery store.

Enrollment:  Enroll now and pay in full by December 31, 2021 to receive an early enrollment tuition break.  The final enrollment deadline is March 31, 2022.

Tuition:  Early enrollment tuition is available to all students who enroll and complete their tuition payment by December 31, 2021.  Late enrollment tuition will be applied to all students who enroll and complete their tuition payment between January 1 – March 31, 2022.  Participants who attend 4 or more weeks will receive further tuition breaks.

To enroll in this unique and amazing hands-on program and for more detailed information, please visit our website: