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Research Assistant

by Maya J. Sze on December 10, 2021

Hi Sara,

I am looking for a biology or chemistry undergraduate student to assist with research for my senior thesis. I am studying New England IPAs and the influence of hop variety on the flavor profile, as well as the influence of degree of bitterness on compounds found in the beers. I was wondering if you could share the following blurb in the environmental email:

I am looking for one undergraduate student, preferably of sophomore or junior standing, to assist in research on New England IPAs for my senior thesis. The student should have a biology/chemistry background and lab experience would be helpful. It would involve working in the Orians lab once or twice a week to assist me with experiments on the IPAs. Experiments include work with a GC/MS, UV visible spectrophotometer, pH meter, and more. Experience with these instruments is helpful but not necessary! 

Let me know if you will be able to share this or if you have students in mind that may be interested.


Contact Serena at if you’re interested in the position.

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