Oregon State Dendroecology REU
We are seeking applicants for two NSF-funded Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) positions in summer 2022 to examine the impacts of wildfire and drought on tree survival, tree growth, and streamflow at the H.J. Andrews (HJA) Experimental Forest Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) site in the lush Oregon Western Cascades.
Background: Wildfires burned through more than a million acres of forests of the Pacific Northwest in 2020, bringing new urgency to understanding the impacts of wildfire on water resources. It is well known that fire effects on trees impact hydrological dynamics (e.g., streamflow) by altering evapotranspiration and runoff. Less understood, however, are the mediating effects of pre-fire forest conditions such as management history, radial growth patterns, and fine-scale microclimate on tree mortality. Similarly, how is watershed hydrology, in general, affected by first- (<1 yr. postfire) vs. second- (>4–5 yr postfire) order fire effects on trees, and at what temporal scales streamflow impacts are highest (e.g., sub-weekly vs. sub-daily) in temperate mesic forests.
Near the HJA-LTER site, the Holiday Farm Fire burned >700 km2 of forest, including watersheds with old-growth forest and managed (i.e. a plantation) stands. To our knowledge, this is the first time that wildfires have affected paired managed and unmanaged watersheds with existing long-term records that can be used to quantify the effects of fire. This provides us with a unique opportunity to learn about these processes and to inform management and conservation efforts!
The opportunity logistics: The Field station has research camping sites restricted for use for researchers with kitchen areas and portable bathrooms. The station has wireless internet (see http://andrewsforest.oregonstate.edu/) near headquarters. The students will be based in Corvallis or Portland and travel in 7 5-day campaigns. The remaining 3 weeks, the REU will work in the lab learning about tree ring sample processing techniques.
The setting: The landscape is home to iconic Pacific Northwest old-growth forests of cedar and hemlock, and moss-draped ancient Douglas firs; steep terrain; and fast, cold-running streams. The 10-week program will fit students on either the quarter or semester systems.
Position: The REU students will conduct supervised and guided research. The REU will work closely with the PIs of the project, Drs. Holz (PSU) and Segura (OSU), and graduate students working on related topics. Each REU will receive a $5,500 stipend and up to $2,500 to offset travel, housing, and supplies expenses. As this is considered an educational program rather than employment, Oregon State University (OSU) does not provide Workers Compensation insurance coverage nor medical insurance.
Position Requirements: Applicants should have a valid driver’s license, and the ability to carry a heavy pack (40+ lb) for moderate distances over uneven terrain, and be comfortable spending long days, on their feet, in the field, occasionally in inclement weather. Previous field experience is a plus and a general understanding of forest ecology, biology, and/or silviculture is desirable. Eligibility is limited to currently enrolled undergraduates that have a graduate date no sooner than fall 2022. Further, all applicants must be U.S. Citizens or permanent residents. Applications from women, underrepresented minorities, and persons with disabilities are especially encouraged.
To apply: Please send a brief cover letter indicating your interest, experience and professional goals after graduation, curriculum vitae, copies of transcripts and the names, addresses, phone number, and email address of at least two references to: Catalina Segura (Catalina.segura@oregonstate.edu) and Andrés Holz (andres.holz@pdx.edu). Review of applications will start immediately and continue until a suitable candidate is identified.