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Wittich Energy Sustainability Research Symposium

by Ann Greaney-Williams on September 19, 2011

Faculty, Students and Staff are Invited to Join

Dean Linda M. Abriola & Associate Dean Eric L. Miller

for the Wittich Energy Sustainability Research Symposium

October 4, 2011

Tufts University, Gordon Institute
Suite 2400, 200 Boston Avenue
Medford MA 02155

9.00 am-1.30 pm

A light breakfast and lunch will be served

The Wittich Family Fund for Alternative Energy Research supports Tufts Engineering faculty who are exploring new methods to convert light and heat into energy, store and transfer energy more efficiently, and manage the distribution of energy more effectively.

This symposium highlights the findings from the laboratories of Marc Hodes, Jeff Hopwood, Kyongbum Lee, Matthew Panzer, Sameer Sonkusale and Thomas Vandervelde.

The poster session features additional research across Tufts Engineering, including representatives of the Luisa Chiesa, Luis Dorfmann, Fiorenzo Omenetto, Shu Ching Quek, Aleksandar Stankovic, Maria Flytzani-Stephanopoulos, and Hyunmin Yi laboratories.

To register:

RSVP’s welcomed by September 28 for planning purposes but not required


9:00 – 9:20 Opening Remarks, Dean Linda Abriola

9:20 – 9:30 Peter Wittich

9:30 – 9:50 Optimized Thermoelectric Module-Heat Sink Assemblies for Precision Temperature Control, Prof. Marc Hodes

9:50 – 10:10 Using the DOE Methodology to Determine Optimal Annealing Profiles for Organic BHJ Photovoltaics, Prof. Matthew Panzer

10:10 – 10:30 Wet Chemistry Based Low Cost Nanowire Photovoltaic Cells, Prof. Sameer Sonkusale and Prof. Thomas Vandervelde

10:30 – 10:50 Break

10:50 – 11:10 Pathway Engineering in Escherichia coli for Lipid Synthesis and Accumulation, Julie Paul, Joanna Rucker, Prof. Blaine Pfeifer and Prof. Kyongbum Lee

11:10 – 11:30 Atmospheric Materials Processing Enabled by Microplasma Arrays, Prof. Jeff Hopwood, Alan Hoskinson, Chen Wu, Naoto Miura, Michael Grunde and Mical Nobel

11:30 – 11:50 Reinventing the Wheel: A Look Inside the THR 12, Chris Jackson, Will Salisbury, Simon Metcalf, Alex Chan, and Nathan Goldsberry

11:50 – 12:00 Closing Remarks, Eric Miller

12:00 – 1:30 Poster Session and Lunch


Cold Plasma Thin Film Deposition of Photovoltaic Materials on Commodity Substrates, Chen Wu, Michael Grunde, Mical Nobel, Alan Hoskinson, and Prof. Jeff Hopwood
Viral Templated Palladium Nanocatalysts for Suzuki Coupling Reaction, Cuixian Yang, Amy K. Manocchi, Byeongdu Lee, and Prof. Hyunmin Yi
Wind Turbine Blade Reliability and Damage Tolerance Due to Lightning Strikes, Prof. Shu Ching Quek
Methane Recovery and Carbon Sequestration through Biosolids Injection, Chris Paetsch and Prof. Luis Dorfmann (CEE-Tufts), Mike Burno (TTI-Technology)
Mechanical Characterization of Superconducting Nb3Sn Strands and Cables for Fusion Energy Application, D. Bader, K. Derman, J. King, P. Mallon, T. Wang, Prof. L. Chiesa and M. Takayasu
Optimizing the Efficiency of Bulk Heterojunction Photovoltaics using the Design of Experiments Methodology, Athina Pantelidou
Wet Chemistry Based Low Cost Nanowire Photovoltaic Cells, Prof. Sameer Sonkusale and Prof. Thomas Vandervelde
Probabilistic Pathway Construction for Microbial Biofuel Synthesis, Mona Yousofshahi, Prof. Kyongbum Lee and Prof. Soha Hassoun
Optimized Thermoelectric Module-Heat Sink Assemblies for Precision Temperature Control, Prof. Marc Hodes
Gold Recovery: Reactivating Spent Au Catalysts through Gaseous Treatments, Joe Lessard, Earl St. Sauver, Ioannis Valsamakis and Prof. Maria Flytzani-Stephanopoulos
Hydrogen Production from Methanol over Gold Supported on Metal Oxide Nanoshapes, Matthew B. Boucher (presenter), Nan Yi, Branko Zugic, and Prof. Maria Flytzani-Stephanopoulos
Improving Hydrogen Production on Platinum Catalysts by Simple Alkali Modifications, Branko Zugic, Yanping Zhai, Howard Saltsburg, and Prof. Maria Flytzani-Stephanopoulos
Sustainable Silk-Based High Technology, H. Tao and Prof. F. Omenetto
Equation-Free System Level Modeling of Resonant Converters, Prof. Aleksandar Stankovic and Renato Nakagomi

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