Tropical Dry Forest Technician – Costa Rica

The Powers Lab at the University of Minnesota is searching for a field technician to live and work in the tropical dry forest of Costa Rica.  We need someone who can work as part of our international team and install and download data from soil moisture sensors/loggers, measure CO2 fluxes from the soil with a LICOR8100, install and process root ingrowth cores, and measure canopy leaf area with a LAI2200.  Previous experience working under rugged conditions is essential as is fluency in basic Spanish.  The ideal candidate will have a bachelor’s degree, knowledge of how to drive a stick shift,  and a sense of adventure.  To apply or inquire, please email Dr. Jennifer Powers at the University of Minnesota at More information on our projects can be found at Applications should be received by April 29th and consist of a cover letter, CV, and the names and contact information of two people who can serve as references. The position is available May, 2016 and onward.