Camera Trap Internship Opportunity 

2018 Camera Trap Internship
Study Title: Geospatial assessment of environmental lead contamination in Somerville, Massachusetts: Can we identify lead exposure hotspots for humans, domestic animals, and wildlife?
Positions Available: Camera trap intern (1-2 students)
Position Description: For the wildlife component of the study, camera traps are used to identify species that would not normally be observed during regular point observations. The camera trap intern would be responsible for the maintenance of 1-2 camera traps during the observation period, as well as review and analysis of camera trap data. The PI will train interns on all components before the observation period.
Interns will be expected to maintain proper work ethic, have good organizational skills, be able to work independently, and have appropriate transportation to the camera trap locations.
Approximate Hours: Training will take approximately 3 hours. Cameras will be placed for a total of 4 weeks, and will need to be checked once to twice a week. Data review and analysis can be done remotely and at your own pace (recommended to be done after checking a camera for approximately 3 hours at a time).
If you are interested in the position or have any questions, please email Tatyana Kalani at