Plant-Insect Research | Syracuse University

We are seeking highly motivated undergraduates broadly interested in plant-insect
interactions to assist with on-going research examining the basis of plant host use by
yucca moth species.  The research includes recording pollination behavior, mating
behavior, feeding by larvae, as well as measurement of insect morphology and plant

Student Experience: Students will work in a laboratory and outdoor setting.  Moths are
nocturnal and active from twilight to midnight.  Students will learn how to handle moths,
conduct behavioral recordings, basic experimental design, and will receive training in
species interactions.  Depending on student motivation, there is the possibility to design
and implement an independent project.  The student will join a group of undergraduates,
graduate students, and faculty conducting research on the patterns of host use by yucca
moth pollinators (

Requirements:  Ability to stand for long periods of time, and work in changing weather
conditions.  Good communication skills and ability to work in a team-setting is essential.

Application process:  Please submit a CV, detailing any relevant skills, unofficial
transcripts, a one to two paragraph rationale for your interest in the position, and the
names and contact info for two references to Dr. David Althoff at
Application evaluation will begin May 5th and will continue until the position is filled.
Please direct questions about the position to Dr. Althoff at the above e-mail.

Funding:  Students will be paid $12/hr for eight to ten weeks depending on the field

**Under-represented groups in STEM are strongly encouraged to apply**