Environmental Voter Project
It’s always Election Day at the Environmental Voter Project.
This February, we’re busy getting environmentalists to vote in town and city elections across Colorado, Florida, Georgia, and Massachusetts.
And we’ve got some great Boston-area volunteer opportunities coming up. Join us<https://click.ngpvan.com/k/4821059/40031791/1630250505?nvep=ew0KICAiVGVuYW50VXJpIjogIm5ncHZhbjovL3Zhbi9UU00vVFNNTUMvMS81MjA4MiIsDQogICJEaXN0cmlidXRpb25VbmlxdWVJZCI6ICIyMTBhMjQ0Ni04YjMwLWU5MTEtYjhiMy0yODE4NzgzOTJlODkiLA0KICAiRW1haWxBZGRyZXNzIjogInNhcmEuZ29tZXpAdHVmdHMuZWR1Ig0KfQ%3D%3D&hmac=MkobYKaj7zbYfQkNZAgxzMYHaVIEzOlqVubIW7vGYFs=> — it’s never too early to start turning non-voters into voters.
New England Aquarium Text Bank (Boston).
* February 27, 5:30-7:30PM
* 1 Central Wharf, Boston, MA 02110
* Texting voters in Colorado, Florida, and Georgia
* Please bring a laptop and smart phone
Wellesley, MA Canvass.
* February 23, 10:00AM
* Meet at Starbucks, 101 Linden Street, Wellesley, MA
* Canvassing Wellesley voters for their town election
* Please wear warm clothing, comfortable shoes, and bring water
Lexington, MA Canvass.
* February 24, 1:00PM
* Meet at Panera Bread, 1684 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, MA
* Canvassing Lexington voters for their town election
* Please wear warm clothing, comfortable shoes, and bring water
These local elections are easy, fun opportunities to turn non-voters into voters, and two hours of your time can make a really big impact.
Please sign up for one of these great opportunities.<https://click.ngpvan.com/k/4821068/40031814/1630250505?nvep=ew0KICAiVGVuYW50VXJpIjogIm5ncHZhbjovL3Zhbi9UU00vVFNNTUMvMS81MjA4MiIsDQogICJEaXN0cmlidXRpb25VbmlxdWVJZCI6ICIyMTBhMjQ0Ni04YjMwLWU5MTEtYjhiMy0yODE4NzgzOTJlODkiLA0KICAiRW1haWxBZGRyZXNzIjogInNhcmEuZ29tZXpAdHVmdHMuZWR1Ig0KfQ%3D%3D&hmac=MkobYKaj7zbYfQkNZAgxzMYHaVIEzOlqVubIW7vGYFs=> You won’t regret it!