Summer Research Intern
NSF Forest Ecology REU assistantship in the Northern Rockies We are seeking one paid Research Experience for Undergraduate (REU) intern for summer 2019 to study Forest Ecosystem Ecology in the Northern Rockies. This National Science Foundation REU opportunity provides 11 weeks of funding ($500 stipend/week) as well as a housing stipend ($22/day). The project offers ample opportunities for an undergraduate to develop a field research project and pursue a senior- thesis while building the necessary foundation for a career in ecological research. The intern will be working with the Idaho Terrestrial Ecosystem Analysis and Modeling group (ITEAM). Our research group studies shifting relationships between western forest ecosystems, climate change, policy decisions, and natural and anthropogenic disturbances. Our current projects explore the use of automated and traditional ecosystem carbon and water flux measurements across Rocky Mountain field sites to better understand forest responses to shifting drought and fire regimes. We use measurements to improve ecosystem modelling of past, present, and future conditions across site to west-wide scales to better inform critical management policies. |
During the summer of 2019, the REU intern will assist the ITEAM lab with field work at local and regional sites (Northern Idaho), lab analysis, and data management. The REU intern will learn cutting edge field techniques to measure forest vegetation and soil stocks and fluxes. Fieldwork will involve hiking and carrying heavy equipment off trail as well as long days outside, occasionally in inclement conditions. The student will learn database usage, statistical/spatial analyses, and will have the opportunity to communicate research findings in both oral and written forms. |
Through this hands-on experience, the REU student will develop and implement an independent research project associated with the lab’s field research. There are many opportunities to develop an independent project with ITEAM members from both previously collected and upcoming 2019 field season data. The student will have 11 weeks of full-time (40 hours/week) participation in the summer of 2019. For students attending U. Idaho, there is a possibility to continue their independent research with the ITEAM lab in the fall 2019 semester. This position is located in Moscow, ID, which is a small college town on the Idaho/Washington border. Moscow serves as a base camp for outdoor recreation opportunities in the Northern Rockies, with the Salmon River, the Wallowa Mountains, the Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness, and Hells Canyon all within a few hours. Housing in Moscow is very affordable, and sublets are plentiful during the summer months. Requirements: Minimum GPA of 3.0; significant interest in forest ecology, field research, and the outdoors; ability to hike off trail and work long days outside; interest in learning and applying new research techniques to work both with a team and independently; strong work ethic, self-motivated, and critical thinking skills. The schedule can be flexible to allow for summer travel plans but must be able to complete 11 weeks of full-time work between May 1 and October 1, 2019. Participants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents and currently enrolled as an undergraduate student. Students with backgrounds that are underrepresented in forest science are encouraged to apply. Application: Please submit a cover letter (detailing your interest, relevant experience and skills, and summer availability), resume, academic transcripts (unofficial fine), and 1-2 letters of recommendation (minimum one from an academic faculty member familiar with your work) to Dr. Tara Hudiburg ( ). Application deadline extended to April 8th, 2019. For more information about our lab group, visit our website at: |