Spring 2011 Internships: Millenium Campus Network
The Millennium Campus Network, a non-profit network of university students working to reduce global poverty and achieve the United Nations Millennium Development Goals, is seeking qualified graduate and undergraduate students for several internship positions in the Spring of 2012.
Positions include:
Three Directors of Membership Relations to serve as the main liaisons between MCN Member Organizations (MOs) and the rest of the MCN.
Three Directors of Outreach to focus on expanding the MCN’s membership by reaching out to new potential Member Organizations (MOs).
One Director of Finances to organize the MCN’s financial records and reports, manage the MCN’s accounts, ensure that all taxes are paid, and to submit all filings to the appropriate state and federal entities.
One Director of Development to research new sources of institutional funding, contact potential new donors, maintain relationships with existing donors, and assist in applying for grants.
Two Creative Directors to focus on generating creative photo and video content by editing raw footage into compelling short videos, designing the visual components of the MCN’s 2011 Annual report, drafting unique and visually engaging templates for official MCN documents, and other media-related projects.
One Blog Editor & Social Media Director, who will be responsible for managing the MCN’s Twitter feed, Facebook wall, and blog, and for generating content for all three on a regular basis.
One Associate Director of Conference Outreach to assist the MCN’s Director of Events and Conferences in planning the 2012 Millennium Campus Conference, an annual gathering of 1,000 students and leading advocates, experts, and professionals in the field of international development.
One Director of MCN Spring Reception who will be responsible for assisting the MCN’s Director of Events and Conferences in planning an end-of-the-year receptionfor the organization’s donors and members.
One Director of the Global Generation Awards who will be responsible for assisting the MCN’s Director of Events and Conferences in planning The Global Generation Awards.
One Director of the Millennium Campus Conference who will be responsiblefor assisting the MCN’s Director of Events and Conferences in planning the 2012 Millennium Campus Conference.
The above is a partial list–full listings can be found here.
All MCN interns receive personal training; broad experience in leadership, networking, and team management; a deeper understanding of the inner workings of a 501(c)3 non-profit organization; and a letter of reference for satisfactory performance, by the end of their internship. All MCN internships are otherwise unpaid.
Read the internship description(s) carefully, and when you are ready to apply, email your cover letter, resume, and work samples (if applicable) to the appropriate supervisor no later before the deadline specified in the internship description.