Penn State Ecological Research Assistant

Seeking part-time (20-30 hours/week) field assistant to aid in ecological data collection and observations in sundial lupine populations (Lupinus perennis). This position is for the summer of 2022, from May to July.

This study will assess blue lupine populations and their associated insect pollinators in Pennsylvania. The effects of prescribed fire and deer browsing on lupine fitness, pollination and habitats will be investigated through field measurement and observation. Population genetic differentiation will be assessed in the lab.

Location: This position is based in State College, PA.

Pay: $15.00/hour

Specific Duties: Duties will include (but are not limited to) inventorying plant species composition; measuring environmental factors such as canopy cover, soils and leaf litter; operating field cameras for deer and pollinator observation; observing pollinator visitation and collecting bee specimens; processing, recording, and entering data on paper and in Excel. Lab experience with DNA extractions and PCR would be ideal but is not required.

If interested, please send a cover letter (single page) and resume to Isabella Petitta ( Please contact me with any questions!