Student-Led Work

Some of the most exciting food systems work going on at Tufts is being led by students. Expert faculty bring food systems work at Tufts to the global stage, where their findings and insights lead the world in building future food systems. Students are often part of this faculty-led work and in other situations, lead work of their own. Here are some examples of student-led food systems work going on at Tufts!

The Community Service Learning program at the School of Medicine features many food systems-related projects that are led by students, including Jumbos Kitchen and Entre Mujeres.

The Friedman School has many student-led organizations that heavily feature food systems, like the Friedman Food Policy Action Council. There are also many research activities at the School, with some led by students.

The School of The Museum of Fine Arts has a Sustainability Committee, led by students who promote sustainability initiative around campus, like recycling old art supplies for new students.