- Social Participation And Navigation (SPAN): Adaptation, Usability And Implementation For Youth and Transition-age Young Adult Brain Tumor Survivors. Deborah Munroe Noonan Memorial Research Fund. Principal Investigator. (2020-2022).
- Developing a Human-Animal Interaction-Based Modification of the Social Participation and Navigation (SPAN) Program for Adolescents with Social Anxiety. Tufts Springboard Award. Co-Principal Investigator. Principal Investigator, Dr. Megan Mueller, Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine. (2020-2021).
- Adaptation and Usability of Social Participation And Navigation (SPAN) for adolescent speakers with dysarthria. Tufts Clinical and Translational Science Institute Pilot Study award. Co-Principal Investigator. Kathryn Connaghan, Northeastern University, Principal Investigator (2018-2019).
- Robot Assistance with Activities of Daily Living for Persons with C4-C7 Spinal Cord Injury. Craig H. Neilsen Foundation. Co-Principal Investigator. Principal Investigator, William Messner, Tufts University (2017 -2018).
- Further development and testing of a mobile app to promote social participation of youth with traumatic brain injury. Tufts Faculty Research Award Committee (FRAC) grant. Principal Investigator (2017 – 2018).
- Feasibility Test of a Pediatric Web-Based Care Planning Guide. American Occupational Therapy Foundation. Co-investigator. Mary Khetani, ScD., Principal Investigator, University of Illinois-Chicago, Principal Investigator (Awarded and funded, 2016-2017.
- Assistive Technology Innovations. Tufts Innovates Grant. Creating an interdisciplinary course and Maker studio to facilitate collaborative client-centered team problem solving to design and test assistive devices for persons with disabilities. Principal Investigator. Co-investigators from Occupational Therapy (Jennifer Buxton, Amy Fleischer) and Mechanical/Human Factors Engineering (Gary Leisk, Daniel Hannon) (2016-2017).
- Social Participation AND Navigation (SPAN): Intervention for teens with TBI using peer coaching and phone and web technology. Co-Principal Investigator, Department of Health and Human Services – National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR grant #H133G130272).Shari Wade, Ph.D., Principal Investigator, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center (Awarded and funded, 2013- 2017).
- Validating the Child and Adolescent Scale of Participation (CASP) for use in population-based research with children and youth with Traumatic Brain Injury. Tufts University, Faculty Research Award Committee (FRAC) Grant-in-Aid. Approved and funded. Principal Investigator (2012 – 2013).
- The Participation & Environment Knowledge Hub: Translating evidence about children with disabilities (A Knowledge Translation Grant). Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR). Co-principal investigator. Mary Law, Ph.D, Principal Investigator, McMaster University- CanChild Centre for Childhood Disability Research, Hamilton, ON, Can. (Approved and funded). (2011-2012).
- Transition Curricula for Youth-Young Adults with Developmental Disabilities and Autism Spectrum Disorders. Collaborative agreement with 3L Place (Deborah Flashen) to provide feedback on the development of transition curricula and program evaluation(2012-2019).
- Development of a social cognition battery to assess adolescents with Traumatic Brain Injuries. Fonds de recherche Sante’ Quebec (FRSQ) [Health Research in Quebec]. Collaborating investigator. Katia Sirois, Ph.D, Principal Investigator (University of Laval, Quebec (2011-2012).
- Rehabilitation Research & Training Center on Interventions for Children and Youth with Traumatic Brain Injury (Grant # H133B090010). U.S. Department of Education-National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research. Project site co-director (Measurement core): Developing a core battery of assessments. Shari Wade, Ph.D., Principal Investigator, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center (Oct., 2009 to Sept., 2014).
- Development of measures of participation and environment for children with disabilities. US Department of Education, National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research. Field Initiated Research Project. Grant # H133G070140. Co-Principal Investigator. Wendy Coster, Ph.D., Boston University, PI. (Oct., 2007 – Sept., 2011).
- TBI Transition Systems (T-BITS): Improving the Hospital-School Transition of Children with Traumatic Brain Injury. U.S. Department of Education-National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research. Disability and Rehabilitation Research Project. Grant #H133A060075. Consultant. Ann Glang, Ph.D. & Bonnie Todis, Ph.D., Principal Investigators, Western Oregon University – The Teaching Research Institute, Eugene, Oregon. (Mar., 2008 – Sept., 2011).
- Diabetes Management at School: Identifying Factors Associated with Health, Participation and Quality of Life. Deborah Munroe Noonan Memorial Fund, Bank of America, Trustee. (Approved and funded). Co-project director. Elisabeth Schainker, MD, Floating Hospital for Children, Tufts Medical Center, Project director. (Sept., 2006 – Feb., 2008).
- Measuring Diabetes Management, Participation and Quality of Life at School for Children with Type 1 Diabetes. Principal Investigator. Developing and pilot-testing the measures and procedures to be used in the research proposed in the above mentioned grant project. Tufts University Summer 2006 FRAC award (Summer 2006).
- Examining interventions and factors associated with social participation and quality of life of children and youth with disabilities: Cross-disciplinary research and perspectives. Tufts University Bernstein Faculty Fellows Award. Role: Junior Faculty, PI; Dr. Donald Wertlieb (Senior faculty mentor). (2005 – 2007).
- School nurses’ perceptions of their performance of diabetes management at school: A pilot study. Conducted with Elisabeth Schainker, MD, Floating Hospital for Children, Tufts New England Medical Center. Conducted as part of Tufts University Bernstein Faculty Fellows Award (2005).
- Integrating e-technology into three levels of graduate occupational therapy educational programs. Tufts University Academic Technology Faculty Grant Award (A Partnership in Technology [APT] Grant – 600 hours of consultation); Project Co-director (2005 – 2007).
- The Child and Adolescent Scale of Participation: Further testing and development. Tufts University, Faculty Research Award Committee (FRAC). Approved and funded. Principal Investigator (2004 – 2005).
- Predictors of functional outcomes and needs of children and youth with acquired brain injuries upon discharge from inpatient rehabilitation. Mary E. Switzer Distinguished Research Fellowship Award, US Department of Education, National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research. Approved and funded. Principal Investigator (2002-2003).
- Strategies to promote social participation in school-age children with acquired brain injuries. Fleet Boston financial, Trustee of the Deborah Munroe Noonan Memorial Fund.” Approved and funded. Principal Investigator, Project Co-Director, Ms. Helene Dumas, Franciscan’s Children Hospital, Project director (2001-2002).
- Community re-integration of children with brain injury: Development and implementation of a follow-up system. Fleet Boston financial, Trustee of the Deborah Munroe Noonan Memorial Fund. Approved and funded. Principal Investigator, Project Co-Director. Ms. Helene Dumas, Franciscan’s Children Hospital, Project director (2000-2001).
- Medication management and successful work transition for persons with HIV/AIDS. U.S. Department of Education-National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (Field-initiated research grant # H133G000195). Approved and funded. Co-Principal Investigator. Drs. John O’Neill and David Vandergoot, principal investigators (2000-2003).
- The daily life experiences of urban gay men with AIDS. The American Occupational Therapy Foundation. Principal Investigator (1996).
- The daily life experiences of urban gay men with AIDS. Metropolitan New York District-New York State Occupational Therapy Association. Principal Investigator (1996).
- Factors that influence team collaboration in an early intervention team. New York University School of Education Research Challenge Fund. Co-Principal Investigator, Dr. Jim Hinojosa, Principal investigator (1996).
- Homebound activity program for persons with AIDS. Gay Men’s Health Crisis, New York, NY. United Way. Project consultant, Orazio Caroleo, Ph.D., Principal investigator (1991-1992).