Articles, Proceedings & Chapters
Bolger, M., Osness, J. Gouvea, J., & Cooper, A. (in press). Supporting Scientific Practice through Model-Based Inquiry: A Students’ Eye View of Grappling with Data, Uncertainty and Community in a Laboratory Experience.
Gouvea, J., Wagh, A., Hayes, R., & Simon, M. (under review). Hybrid labs: How students use computer models to motivate and make meaning from experiments. In Nancy J. Pelaez, Stephanie M. Gardner, and Trevor R. Anderson (Eds)., Trends in Teaching Experimentation in the Life Sciences. Springer.
Geller, B.D., Gouvea, J.S., Dreyfus, B.F., Sawtelle, V., & Turpen. (2020). Bridging the gaps: Classifying forms of disciplinary boundary crossing. Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res. 15, 020142
Guy-Gaytan, C., Gouvea, J., Griesemer, C. & Passmore, C. (2019). Tensions between learning models and engaging in modeling: Exploring implications for science classrooms. Science & Education.
Gouvea, J., Sawtelle, V., & Nair, A. (2019). Epistemological progress in physics and its impact on biology. Physical Review Physics Education Research, 15(1), 1-20. doi:10.1103/physrevphyseducres.15.010107
Hammer, D., Gouvea, J., & Watkins, J. (2018). Idiosyncratic cases and hopes for general validity: What education research might learn from ecology / Casos idiosincrásicos y expectativas de validez general: Lo que la investigación en educación puede aprender de la ecología. Infancia Y Aprendizaje, 41(4), 625-673. doi:10.1080/02103702.2018.1504887
Gouvea, J. S., & Simon, M. R. (2018). Challenging cognitive construals: A dynamic alternative to stable misconceptions. CBE—Life Sciences Education, 17(2), ar34 1-19. doi:10.1187/cbe.17-10-0214
Hill, C. F., Gouvea, J. S., & Hammer, D. (2018). Teaching assistant attention and responsiveness to student reasoning in written work. CBE—Life Sciences Education, 17(2), ar25 1-12. doi:10.1187/cbe.17-04-0070
Gouvea, J., & Passmore, C. (2017). ‘Models of’ versus ‘models for’. Science & Education, 26(1-2), 49-63. doi:10.1007/s11191-017-9884-4
Pennington, D., Bammer, G., Danielson, A., Gosselin, D., Gouvea, J., Habron, G., … Wei, C. (2015). The EMBeRS project: Employing model-based reasoning in socio-environmental synthesis. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, 6(2), 278-286. doi:10.1007/s13412-015-0335-8
Passmore, C., Gouvea, J. S. & Giere, R. (2014). Models in science and in learning science: Focusing scientific practice on sensemaking. In M. Matthews (Ed.), International Handbook of Research in History, Philosophy and Science Teaching (pp. 1171-1202). Dordrecht: Springer Science Business Media. doi:10.1007/978-94-007-7654-8
Dreyfus, B. W., Geller, B. D., Gouvea, J., Sawtelle, V., Turpen, C., & Redish, E. F. (2014). Ontological metaphors for negative energy in an interdisciplinary context. Physical Review Special Topics – Physics Education Research, 10(2), 1-11. doi:10.1103/physrevstper.10.020108
Dreyfus, B. W., Geller, B. D., Sawtelle, V., Svoboda, J., Turpen, C., & Redish, E. F. (2013). Students interdisciplinary reasoning about “high-energy bonds” and ATP. Physical Review Special Topics – Physics Education Research, (10), 1-15. doi:10.1063/1.4789667
Geller, B. D., Dreyfus, B. W., Gouvea, J., Sawtelle, V., Turpen, C., & Redish, E. F. (2014). Entropy and spontaneity in an introductory physics course for life science students. American Journal of Physics, 82(5), 394-402. doi:10.1119/1.4870389
Redish, E. F., Bauer, C., Carleton, K. L., Cooke, T. J., Cooper, M., Crouch, C. H., Dreyfus, B. W., Geller, B. D., Giannini, J., Gouvea, J. S., Klymkowsky, M. W., Losert, W., Moore, K., Presson, J., Sawtelle, V., Thompson, K. V., Turpen, C., & Zia, R. K. P. (2014). NEXUS/Physics: An interdisciplinary repurposing of physics for biologists. American Journal of Physics, 82(5), 368-377. doi:10.1119/1.4870386
Dreyfus, B. W., Gouvea, J., Geller, B. D., Sawtelle, V., Turpen, C., & Redish, E. F. (2014). Chemical energy in an introductory physics course for the life sciences. American Journal of Physics, 82(5), 403-411. doi:10.1119/1.4870391
Gouvea, J. S., Sawtelle, V., Geller, B. D., & Turpen, C. (2013). A framework for analyzing interdisciplinary tasks: Implications for student learning and curricular design. CBE—Life Sciences Education, 12(2), 187-205. doi:10.1187/cbe.12-08-0135
Svoboda, J., & Passmore, C. (2011). The strategies of modeling in biology education. Science & Education, 22(1), 119-142. doi:10.1007/s11191-011-9425-5
Passmore, C. M., & Svoboda, J. (2012). Exploring opportunities for argumentation in modelling classrooms. International Journal of Science Education, 34(10), 1535-1554. doi:10.1080/09500693.2011.577842
Svoboda, J., & Passmore, C. (2010). Evaluating a modeling curriculum by using heuristics for productive disciplinary engagement. CBE—Life Sciences Education,9(3), 266-276. doi:10.1187/cbe.10-03-0037
Current Insights Features
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Reintroducing the current insights feature. CBE – Life Sciences Education, 16(2). 1-3. Retrieved from