- Banded `Alae `ula at Waimea Valley (Photo (c) David Desrochers, 2008)
- An `Alae `ula’s white tail as it walks through Pickleweed (Photo (c) David Desrochers, 2008)
- An adult `Alae `ula OB:YA “The Gator” gets banded with University of Florida colors at James Campbell National Wildlife Refuge (Photo (c) Charles van Rees, 2014)
- HA:BL and his mate feeding in the water at Hawea Heiau Photo (c) Samuel Camp
- Banded `Alae `ula at Waimea Valley (Photo (c) Charles van Rees, 2014)
- Photo (c) Samuel Camp
- HA:BL and his unbanded mate at Hawea Heiau Photo (c) Samuel Camp
- A curious `Alae `ula watches Charles reviewing banding information (Photo (c) Livable Hawaii Kai Hui 2014)
- Photo (c) Samuel Camp
- Charles gives a talk on wetland conservation and the protection of the `Alae `ula and other endangered birds at the O`ahu Club in Hawaii Kai ((Photo (c) Livable Hawaii Kai Hui 2014)
- Endangered moorhen crossing sign at James Campbell NWR
- Photo (c) Samuel Camp
- A young and adult `Alae `ula at Waimea Valley (Photo (c) David Desrochers, 2008)
- `Alae `ula in Pickleweed, James Campbell National Wildlife Refuge ((Photo (c) David Desrochers, 2008)
- Photo (c) Samuel Camp
- Photo (c) Samuel Camp
- Charles van Rees releases a newly banded `Alae `ula, KG:OA at James Campbell National Wildlife Refuge (Photo (c) Jeremy Orozco, 2014)
- HA:RK stands top a palm tree cleared during the restoration of the Hawea Heiau in Hawaii KaiPhoto (c) Samuel Camp
- Photo (c) Samuel Camp
- `Alae `ula and their young at the Ke`awa`awa wetland on Hawaii Kai (Photo (c) Charles van Rees 2014)
- Photo (c) Samuel Camp
- Photo (c) Samuel Camp
- A rainbow over James Campbell National Wildlife Refuge (Photo (c) Charles van Rees, 2014)
- Several young `Alae `ula and their koloa hybrid neighbors at Ke`awa`awa wetland (Photo (c) Charles van Rees 2014)
- Charles and members of the Livable Hawaii Kai Hui at the O`ahu Club(Photo (c) Livable Hawaii Kai Hui 2014)
- `Alae `ula walking amongst sedges at James Campbell National Wildlife Refuge (Photo (c) David Desrochers, 2008)
- An `Alae `ula calls from within a patch of Pickleweed (Batis maritima) at James Campbell National Wildlife Refuge (Photo (c) David Desrochers, 2008)
- HA:BL feeds in the `ae `ae at the Hawea Heiau in Hawaii KaiPhoto (c) Samuel Camp
- HA:RK calling at the Hawea Heiau; he has clearly been eating grass. Photo (c) Samuel Camp
- `Alae `ula on its nest (Photo (c) David Desrochers, 2008)
- Photo (c) Samuel Camp
- Charles van Rees places a trap to catch young `Alae `ula at Waimea Valley (Photo (c) Andy Cabistan)
- `Alae `ula swimming in the water lily pond at Waimea Valley (Photo (c) Charles van Rees 2014)
- Photo (c) Samuel Camp
- HA:BL and his mate courting at Hawea HeiauPhoto (c) Samuel Camp
- HA:OO, a young banded `Alae`ula at the Ke`awa`awa wetland in Hawaii Kai (Photo (c) Charles van Rees, 2014)
- Photo (c) Samuel Camp
- An unbanded female at the Hawea Heiau in Hawaii Kai, photographed in the rain. Photo (c) Samuel Camp
- `Alae `ula fighting (Photo (c) David Desrochers, 2008)
- `Alae `ula in Pickleweed, James Campbell National Wildlife Refuge ((Photo (c) David Desrochers, 2008)