We are glad to be able to provide many interlibrary loan and document delivery services for free. However, there still may be times when there is a charge associated with your ILLiad request. We don’t always know at the outset which requests are free and which ones will incur a fee.

If you don’t want us to fill these requests for which you will be charged, we’ve made it a little easier to let us know on the ILLiad request form. Just select “yes” or “no” from the dropdown menu for the question: “Only If Free?”

Free Only


If you select yes, we will cancel the request if you would be charged for it.  Please email hhsl-docdel@tufts.edu if you have any questions.  More information about when we do charge can be found on the ILLiad fee schedule.

Post contributed by Judy Rabinowitz.

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