Bring Your Books Back to Us!
We here at Hirsh Library have been so thrilled to spend the last full academic year with you all. And, more activity in the library means more books have been circulating among our student body.

If you or a friend have checked out library books and have not returned them yet, please return them now! We would really appreciate having them back. You can turn them in here (at Hirsh), or at any Tufts Library– Medford, Grafton, SMFA.
If you need to mail them back for any reason, just contact us at, and we can give you all the information and labels to bring them back to the Boston Campus.
Returning your books not only clears your accounts– it also eases the strain on our Acquisitions department, who buy replacements for lost books.
We hope you enjoy your summer break, however long it may be, and hope to see you all soon!