Data Management Virtual Office Hours

We’re offering a new service this semester: Virtual data management office hours! Our librarians Allie and Paige are here to help with your tricky data management questions at any stage of the research cycle. Whether you have to write a data management plan for a grant, find somewhere to share the data you’ve collected, or just realized you need a better system for organizing your files, come chat with us for ideas and guidance.
We will be holding office hours at 11am on the first and third Fridays of every month up to June. Office hours are open for anyone affiliated with Tufts Health Sciences – students, faculty, and staff. Once you register, you will receive a link to the Zoom room. If the room is empty when you join, don’t worry – we’ll get an email that you’re waiting and be right there!
If you have a complex question that might need more time to untangle, or just want to make sure that you have our undivided attention, you can always book a private appointment with Allie or Paige.