Where Do I Vote? We’re Going to Help You Find Out!

You’re registered, you’ve made your decision and now your ready to cast your ballot – but where?! November 7 is Election Day here is Massachusetts and if you are new to the commonwealth, have moved or it’s your first tiem voting, it can be a bit confusing to figure out exactly where to vote. Take heart! This blog post is going to share some resources to help you figure it out!
Find my election information – Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Just enter your Massachusetts home address – and boom! – you’ll get your polling place information. Not only that, but you’ll get a list of who your elected officials are for your area.
Are you a resident voting in Boston’s elections? Here’s a couple of useful resources for the City of Boston:
City of Boston Polling Locations
Find Out Who You are Voting for in the 2023 District City Council Race
Need some information about elections in your community outside of Boston? Look no further!
Next week’s elections in Massachusetts? Let’s look beyond Boston – WGHB
Happy voting!!!!