Higher magnification of secretory acini in lactating mammary gland.
The secretory acinus of the mammary gland is like a basket suspended in a net. The secretory epithelium is cuboidal.
ViewThe secretory acinus of the mammary gland is like a basket suspended in a net. The secretory epithelium is cuboidal.
ViewThe lumens of the secretary acini are filled with eosinophilic material (milk)in this section. Some of the acini have fused
ViewThe mammary gland is a compound tubuloalveolar gland. The secretory parenchyma is divided into lobes and then lobules by connective
ViewThe surface of the endometrium is covered by a columnar/pseudostratified columnar epithelium. Coiled glands extend into the stroma (except in
ViewThis is a low power picture of the uterine horn from a sheep. The endometrium has caruncles and glandular regions.
ViewThe epithelium of the oviduct mucosa contains two major cell types, ciliated and secretory. The ciliated cells are columnar in
ViewThe oviduct or uterine tube is also known as the Fallopian tube. It has the typical layers of a hollow
ViewAt higher magnification, the corpus albicans looks a bit like pink cotton candy. There is an abundance of connective tissue
ViewThe corpus luteum has a finite lifespan. Eventually it will degenerate and becomes a scar-like structure called the corpus albicans
ViewThis low power micrograph shows part of a corpus luteum. The atrium and the fluid inside has disappeared as the
ViewThis is a low power micrograph of an ovary which contains a recently formed corpus luteum. The Graafian follicle, prior
ViewIn this low power picture of the ovary (8x) you can see the relative sizes of two mature secondary follicles
ViewIn the antrum of this secondary follicle the follicular liquor formed a precipitate and stained eosinophilic. The oocyte has reached
ViewThe antrum of this secondary follicle is quite large. Some of the proteins in the follicular liquor stained light pink.
ViewAs the secondary follicle grows under the influence of FSH and increases in size, fluid (follicular liquor) accumulates between the
ViewAs the secondary follicle grows under the influence of FSH and increases in size, fluid (follicular liquor) accumulates between the
ViewAs the follicle develops, the oocyte becomes larger. The follicular cells proliferate and the oocyte is surrounded by stratified polyhedral
ViewThe primary follicle contains an oocyte surrounded by a single layer of cuboidal epithelial cells which sit on a basal
ViewBeneath the surface epithelium of the ovary is a thick layer of dense connective tissue, the tunica albuginea. The primordial
ViewThis is a low power micrograph of the surface of a feline ovary. The ovary is divided into a cortex