Urinary System

Glomerulus, Convoluted tubules and Blood Vessels

The glomerulus is made up of a capillary plexus. Here you can see the red blood cells in the capillaries. The arteriole associated with the glomerulus is probably the afferent vessel, judging by its size. The proximal convoluted tubules have cuboidal cells with eosinophilic cytoplasm and brush border at the apical surface. The distal tubues have smaller cells, light cytoplasm and ‘clean’ lumens due the the lack of long microvilli. The peritubular capillary network is obvious due the the brightly stained red blood cells in them. The endothelial cells of the capillaries produce the hormone erythropoitein. Original mag.100x Masson trichrome. Kidney. Cortex. Urinary System. Harbor seal.