Submit samples


To submit samples to the Tufts Animal Histology Core for processing and sectioning, follow these steps.

1. Go to, and complete the online submission form

2. Print out a copy of the completed request form you receive by email and a copy of your specimen list.

3. Place tissues or cassettes in leakproof containers.

4. Label containers with:

  • Your name
  • Phone number
  • Name of chemical you are submitting your tissues in. This is important for the safety of our staff and for proper waste disposal.

5. Label all cassettes using a #2 pencil or a marker specifically designed for histology to resist the solvents used in processing. If you are unsure if the marker you have can be used for histology, please use a #2 pencil, or your labels could all be lost. Do NOT use a Sharpie marker or other lab markers that are not completely solvent resistant. The AHC is not responsible for labels lost in processing due to use of a marker that is not solvent resistant.

6. Bring the form, specimen list and tissues to the laboratory in Ziskind 240. This building is locked with security card access. If you do not have card access, you may arrange ahead of time for one of our histologists to meet you and let you in the building. If the laboratory is closed, leave the submission form and tissues in the wall-mounted drop off bin in the hallway

7. Complete a new submission request online every time you bring a new sample to the lab, even if it is more samples for the same project. Our lab tracks and bills submissions by the date they are received not by project.

8. After you submit a request for services, if you have changes, email them to the histology lab. Changes must be in writing to ensure that you get the service you request.

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