Love in the time of COVID-19
Hello beautiful friends! How are you holding up?
What’s that? You’re curled up in bed frozen in place because you opened the news app on your phone? Or are you Zooming into class, grateful AF to see the faces of your suddenly beloved classmates and also sad that you can’t see them in person? Or did you see that Community has dropped on Netflix so you’ve just been in a dissociative fugue with Troy and Abed for the last three days, and you’re just now rounding the corner into season 4?
Yeah, me too.
Whatever your coping mechanism, you’ll meet with no judgement here. What I’m hoping is that this space can serve as an online space to share ideas, research, and resources for our community during this crisis.
On this landing page, we’ll be featuring new content every few days from faculty, students, and staff: insights into their discipline courtesy of the Coronavirus; stories of ways that their communities are sharing resources; how these changes are revealing deeper truths that have structured our society all along. Basically, how are we making sense of this moment, and how is this moment making sense of us?
The other tabs are places for us to share events and resources:
- Events and Conversations is a place to share links to upcoming virtual events
- Research is where you can share results of your academic work this semester: just because the amazing symposia that happen all over campus won’t be occurring this year doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t share all the goodness of your awesome brain. Tell us everything!
- Resource Sharing is where you should share information about ways to give or receive help if you need it. You will find links here to mutual aid organizations as well as academic resources and other tools.
- Getting By is a place for you to put book recommendations, memes, links to awesome podcasts–anything that is helping life feel a little easier these days.
Anyone with a Tufts ID can post in the tabs. We welcome your feedback! This site is still a work in progress–email me at if you have ideas or want to get involved.