
The IRTS 2024 Symposium AI Governance for Whom: Institutions, Individuals, …? successfully concluded. Thank you to our fantastic keynote speakers Professor Virginia Dignum and Dr. Chuncheng Liu for your thought-provoking talks, to all presenters for their intriguing presentations, and to all attendees for your thoughtful questions and comments!

IRTS 2024 Symposium AI Governance for Whom: Institutions, Individuals, …?

RSVP Required. Please sign up here to attend the event.

Tentative Agenda

11:45 Registration opens at the venue

12:00 Welcome

12:05 Keynote: Professor Virginia Dignum

12:35 Keynote Q&A

12:45 Lunch

13:05 Lightning Talks I

13:35 Break

13:40 Lightning Talks II

14:10 Break

14:15 Keynote II: Dr. Chuncheng Liu

14:45 Keynote Q&A

14:55 Event Concludes

We are excited to announce the IRTS 2024 Symposium:

AI Governance for Whom: Institutions, Individuals, …?

RSVP Required. Please sign up here to attend the event.