Rouse, AA, Patel, AD, Wainapel, S, and Kao, MH. (2023) Sex differences in vocal learning ability in songbirds are linked with differences in flexible rhythm pattern perception. Animal Behaviour 203: 198-206.
Kim, G, Sánchez-Valpuesta, and M, Kao, MH. (2023) Partial inactivation of songbird auditory cortex impairs both tempo and pitch discrimination. Molecular Brain 16: 48.
Chen, WG, Iversen, JR, Kao, MH, Loui, P, Patel, AD, Zatorre, RJ, and Edwards, E. (2022) Music and brain circuitry: strategies for strengthening evidence-based research for music-based interventions. Journal of Neuroscience 42: 8498-8507.
Rouse, AA, Patel, AD, and Kao, MH. (2021) Vocal learning and flexible rhythm pattern perception are linked: evidence from songbirds. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA: 118: e2026130118.
Moorman S, Ahn JR, and Kao MH. (2021) Plasticity of stereotyped birdsong driven by chronic manipulation of cortical-basal ganglia activity. Current Biology 31:2619-2632. Research highlight > Current Biol 31: R791-R793.
Palmer SE and Kao MH (2021). Variable but not random: temporal pattern coding in a songbird brain area necessary for song modification. Journal of Neurophysiology 125: 540-555. Research highlight – podcast >
Kojima S, Kao MH, Brainard MS, and Doupe AJ. (2018) The avian basal ganglia are a source of rapid behavioral variation that enables vocal motor exploration. Journal of Neuroscience 38: 9635-9647.
Woolley SC and Kao MH. (2015) Variability in action: contributions of a songbird cortical–basal ganglia circuit to vocal motor learning and control. Neuroscience 296: 39-47.
Kojima S*, Kao MH*, and Doupe A. (2013) Task-related “cortical” bursting depends critically on basal ganglia input and is linked to vocal plasticity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 110: 4756-4761.
*equal contributions Research highlight – podcast >
Kao MH, Wright BD, and Doupe AJ. (2008) Neurons in a forebrain nucleus required for vocal plasticity rapidly switch between precise firing and variable bursting depending on social context. Journal of Neuroscience 28: 13232-13247.
Research highlight – Nature Rev Neurosci>
Kao MH and Brainard MS. (2006) Lesions of an avian basal ganglia circuit prevent context-dependent changes to song variability. Journal of Neurophysiology 96: 1441–1455.
Kao MH, Doupe AJ, and Brainard MS. (2005) Contributions of an avian basal ganglia–forebrain circuit to real-time modulation of vocal motor output. Nature 433: 638–643.