Engineering Education Research Group

Prof. Milo Koretsky
McDonnell Family Bridge Professor
Tufts University

Koretsky Research Group: Fall 2024
back: Sarah Kaczynski, Edward Kiboma, Sandy Huffman, Sam Gavitte, Harpreet Auby, Milo Koretsky
front: Shirin Kuppusamy, Philippa Eshun, Caroline Bureau, Sarah Simmons
not pictured: Tom Ekstedt, Dylan Higgins, Irene Pantekidis

Our group focuses on learning and engagement in the formal, post-secondary classroom. This work couples innovative instructional design with technology development to investigate student and faculty learning. Specifically, we are interested in the development of disciplinary practices toward the professional formation of engineers, paths to expertise, the university-to-work transition, and ways that social interactions support or hinder learning in engineering. This work inevitably challenges implicit notions of isolated technical competence and seeks ways to allow students to develop knowledge and practices that allow them to better tackle the sociotechnical work of the profession. This work utilizes a situative perspective to understand the activity systems where students do school and to create ways to shift that activity to align better with professional practice. With time, this work has led to an interest in supporting faculty to shift their instructional practices as well.

We are community members in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, the Department of Education, and the Institute for Research on Learning and Instruction (IRLI).

If you are interested in joining our group, collaborating with us, or learning more about us, please contact Milo

Previous Group Photos

Koretsky Research Group: Fall 2024
back: Milo Koretsky, Harpreet Auby, Sarah Kaczynski, Sam Gavitte, Harpreet Auby, Milo Koretsky
middle: Lorena Grundy, Nutnicha “Kate” Nigon, Sandy Huffman, Kaylla Cantilina, Sam Gavitte
front: Edward Kiboma, Sarah Simmons, Caroline Bureau
not pictured: Tom Ekstedt, Dylan Higgins, Irene Pantekidis