Upcoming: Kate’s PhD Thesis Defense

Kate will be defending her PhD thesis in the Materials Science department at Oregon State on December 4, 2023 at 1:00 pm eastern time / 10:00 am pacific time. The defense will be open via Zoom, and we welcome all who can come to support Kate! Contact Milo, Lorena, or Kate for the link.

Sam MS Chemical Engineering

Sam is now a master of Chemical Engineering after successfully defending his thesis, “Leveraging the Affordances of Physical and Virtual Laboratories to Elicit Specific Engineering Epistemic Practices” – congratulations, Sam! He will be moving from Oregon State to Tufts, where he will continue to work with our group as he pursues his PhD in Chemical Engineering.

Upcoming: Sam’s MS Defense

Sam is defending his thesis for his Master of Science degree in Chemical Engineering at Oregon State University on Friday August 11, 2023 at 12:00 pacific / 3:00 eastern time. The defense will be on Zoom – please email Milo or Sam for the link. Next, Sam will be staying with the group but moving from Oregon State to Tufts, pursuing his PhD in Chemical Engineering!