Basic drivers: dryland livelihood systems, vulnerability, resilience and shocks

5 November 2020

English Version
Version français

Objective: Review the unique characteristics of livelihood systems adapted to Africa’s drylands and their implications for nutrition. Explore how worsening conditions linked to protracted conflict, climate and other shocks have undermined livelihood resilience and in turn contributed to acute malnutrition.


Mariame Dem, Interim International Programme Director, WaterAid

Thumbi Mwangi, Associate Professor, Paul G Allen School for Global Animal Health, Washington State University and the Director, Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Animal Health

Moctar Sacande, Projects Coordinator, Action Against Desertification, Forestry Division, FAO

Helen Young, Professor and Research Director, Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy, Feinstein International Center, Tufts University


Christine Jost, Global Health Support Initiative III, Social Solutions International, United States Agency for International Development Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance

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