General information about math careers
- This cool web site, from BYU, shows what people use math for and discusses careers.
- American Math Society’s career info
- MAA Career Information and Career Profiles
- Society for Industrial and Applied Math info about applied math careers. SIAM also has a useful brochure on careers outside academia and an in-depth report on the mathematics needed in industry today.
- Check out this and this for careers outside of academia.
- A neat site at U. Georgia giving info. about math jobs
- Here’s a good reason to consider a math career if you like math (mathematician is always rated one of the most satisfying careers).
- Tufts Career Center has information about careers, resumes, internships, etc. formation about careers and internships (check out the TIP book).
- gives ratings of companies from employees’ perspective
University Job Ads for Ph.D.s
- American Mathematical Society Job Posting (
- Mathematical Association of America Job Postings
- SIAM list of government, industry, and research internships
The actuarial profession
- Society of Actuaries and Casualty Actuary Society general info.
- Books and old tests for the actuary exams (Actex publications).
- BE AN ACTUARY for general actuarial information for students.
- John Hancock Insurance (Internships and general career information)
- Careers at Milliman. Also contact local offices.
- Graduate actuary program at the University of Connecticut
- Graduate accounting program at Northeastern University
- This site has links to graduate actuarial programs.