- Tufts Summer Scholars Program pairs undergraduates with faculty mentors across all fields
- Tufts Directed Reading Program pairs undergraduates with grad student mentors for a reading project in advanced mathematics
Research Experience for Undergraduate (REU) programs
- The National Science Foundation sponsors a range of REU Programs – see general info and specifics on math programs.
- Another list of REU programs from the AMS
- National Security Agency Summer Programs (choose undergrad and math from dropdown menu)
- The Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics (ICERM) offers an 8-week summer program in Providence, RI (topics rotate)
- Park City Math Institute offers an undergraduate summer program in Park City, UT (topics rotate)
- The Institute for Pure and Applied Math (IPAM) at UCLA runs summer programs in applied math (topics rotate)
Summer research opportunities for underrepresented groups
- Women and Math is a long-running program based at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, NJ (topics rotate )
- The Edge program is targeted for women who plan to attend math grad school the next year
- MSRI-UP is a fantastic program in Berkeley, CA that focuses on students from underrepresented groups