Ongoing research

I am currently collaborating on the following research projects:

  • The Impact of an Inclusive Grades K-2 Early Algebra Intervention Implemented by Classroom TeachersExploring K-2 PI: Maria Blanton Co-PI: Bárbara Brizuela, Angela Gardiner, Despina Stylianou, Rena Stroud. NSF Award #2404984
  • Children’s Understandings of Visual Representations in Algebraic Reasoning. PI: Bárbara Brizuela Co-PI: Maria Blanton, Angela Gardiner. NSF Award #2201095.
  • Algebraic thinking in early childhood education and primary education.
    PI: Rafaél Ramírez Ucles. Spanish national R+D+I project PID2020-117395RB-I00.
  • Multiplicative Foundations of Calculus. PI: Andrew Izsák.