The 1st Annual Workshop on Methods for Teaching Ethics in Data Science (MTEDS 23) will take place virtually and on the campus of Tufts University on Tuesday, May 2, 2023.
We seek submissions of two types:
- Short papers (1-5 pages) related to the topic of the workshop
- Case studies for the Tripods Undergraduate Ethics Case Studies Project
Accepted short papers will be invited to present a 20 minute talk at the workshop.
Accepted case studies will be published in our first collection of Ethics Case Studies, see more details about format, requirements, and an example case study here.
Case studies: Short stories–fictional or based on real information–that conclude with ethical dilemmas or other situations that lack clearly optimal solutions because of value-conflicts and/or unpredictable outcomes. The purpose of such cases is to prompt dialogue in courses and other educational settings. The topics for this conference must involve ethical issues in data science.
Key dates:
- December 1, 2023: Paper submissions open on Easy Chair:
- Submit your paper or case study here:
- January 10, 2023: Papers due at 11:45pm AOE
January 31,February 15, 2023: Authors notified of acceptance- March 15, 2023: Workshop program published; camera ready for workshop program booklet due.
Program Committee:
- Peter Levine (co-chair), Tufts University
- Benedetta Giovanola (co-chair), University of Macerata, Italy
- Lenore Cowen, Tufts University
- Emanuel Frontone, University of Macerata, Italy
- H. V. Jagadish, University of Michigan
- Andreia Martinho, Tufts University
- Karl Schmitt, Trinity Christian College
Organizing Committee:
- Peter Levine (co-chair), Tufts University
- Lenore Cowen (co-chair), Tufts University
Sponsored by Tufts DISC the Tufts T-Tripods Institute (thanks to NSF 1934553)