Adult Learning Fellowship

The ICA’s newly established Adult Learning Fellowship provides qualified individuals the opportunity to engage with contemporary arts education for adult learners in a 10 month assignment (September 2015—June 2016). The Adult Learning Fellow oversees various programs that highlight community voices and perspectives, including the ICA’s Gallery Talk program which invites art historians, authors and thought leaders to reflect on selected ICA exhibits with adult audiences. The Fellow will work independently and collaborate with the ICA’s educational team to enhance educational opportunities for adults by developing and testing 1-2 innovative and engaging programs. Under the direction of the ICA’s Education Director, the Adult Programs Fellow will learn about museum operations, gain skills in adult program design and implementation, and engage with diverse contemporary art audiences. Benefits of the Fellowship include institutional AAM membership, New England Museum reciprocity and various professional development opportunities. Attendance at interdepartmental meetings, exhibit walkthroughs and educator training sessions is required. The assignment includes 2 days per week on-site schedule and related events as required. A 10 month stipend of $6,000 is included.
BFA in studio art or BA in art history or equivalent experience required. MA or graduate work strongly preferred. Exceptional senior undergraduates will be considered. Interest in pursuing a career in museum education. Superior research skills. Excellent interpersonal and communication skills. Knowledge of contemporary art and visual culture. Ability to speak in public, handle multiple projects simultaneously, and be self-motivated. Desire to work with diverse adult learners. Ability to operate office equipment and general mobility throughout the building required.
How To Apply:
Interested candidates should send a letter of interest, resume and program proposal (for an audience of adults) relating to a contemporary artist, artwork or exhibit of their choice to and When applying, include “Adult Learning Fellowship” in subject line.The ICA is an equal opportunity employer.
Apply by:
August 31, 2015