Teaching Experience
- Humanitarian Action in Complex Emergencies. Graduate course, Tufts University Friedman School. Teaching Assistant (Fall 2018, Fall 2019, Fall 2020)
- Data Visualization and Communication. Graduate course, Tufts University Friedman School. Teaching Assistant (Spring 2018)
- Save the Children Fellowship Program. Research Grant, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. Quantitative Mentor (2018-2019)
- Intermediate and Advanced Data Analysis Retreat. Retreat, Tufts University Friedman School. Instructor (June and January 2017)
Professional Experience
- Researcher, Feinstein International Center, Boston, MA. 2010-present
- Consultant, ACF, Boston, MA. 2019-present
- Consultant, Concern Worldwide, Boston, MA. 2018-2019
- Consultant, Save the Children, Boston, MA. 2018
- Consultant, International Criminal Court, Hague, Netherlands. 2018-2019
- Consultant, UNHCR, 2012
- Field Coordinator, World Bank, Freetown, Sierra Leone, 2008-2009
- Research Assistant, MIT Jameel Poverty Action Lab, Freetown, Sierra Leone, 2007-2008
- Research Assistant, Ugandan Women’s Effort to Save the Orphans, Lira, Uganda. 2006
Publications and Presentations
- Marshak A, Young H, Radday A, Naumova EN (2020 - Accepted). Sustained Impact of a Multi-Sectoral Intervention on Child Nutrition Two Years after Program Completion. Maternal and Child Nutrition.
- Marshak A, Young H, Radday A, Naumova EN (2020). Sensitivity of Nutrition Indicators to Measure the Impact of a Multi-Sectoral Intervention: Cross-sectional, Household, and Individual Level Analysis. Environment Research and Public Health 17(9). https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/9/3121/htm.
- Mazurana D, Marshak A, Spears K (2020). Child marriage in armed conflict. International Review of the Red Cross 911. June 2020. https://international-review.icrc.org/articles/child-marriage-armed-conflict.
- Addressing Data Gaps on Child Marriage in Humanitarian Settings. Virtual Panel Presentation and Discussion hosted by Save the Children. Panelist. June 2020
- Young H, Marshak A, Venkat A (2019). Twin Peaks: the seasonality of acute malnutrition, conflict, and environment. Feinstein International Center.
- Stites E, Marshak A, Betkerur N, Carson S, Seaman M, Shaps E (2019). Synthesis Report: An Analysis of Four Case Studies of Youth Migration. Feinstein International Center.
- Atim T, Mazurana D, Marshak A (2019). Schools out: Why northern Uganda’s girls and boys are not getting an education and what to do about it. Feinstein International Center.
- Mazurana D, Marshak A, Atim T (2019). The state of the war-wounded in northern Uganda. Feinstein International Center.
- State of the Humanitarian System (2018). Panelist, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
- Atim T, Marshak A, Mazurana D, Farrar J (2018). The Effects of the Lord’s Resistance Army’s Violence on Victims from Northern Uganda in Prosecutor vs Dominic Ongwan. Feinstein International Center.
- Atim T, Mazurana D, Marshak A (2018). Women survivors and their children born of wartime sexual violence in northern Uganda. Disasters 42(S1): S61-78.
- Young H, Marshak A (2017). Persistent Global Acute Malnutrition: A discussion paper on the scope of the problem, its drivers, and recommendations for policy, practice, and research. Feinstein International Center.
- Benda C, Marshak A (2017). Resilience-building – easier said than done. Rural 21 51(4).
- Marshak A, Mazurana D, Opio JH, Gordon R, Atim T (2017). Tracking changes in livelihoods, service delivery and governance: evidence from 2013-2015 panel survey in Uganda. London: Secure Livelihoods Research Consortium.
- Marshak A, Young H, Radday A (2017). Water, Livestock, and Malnutrition: Findings from an Impact Assessment of Community Resilience to Acute Malnutrition Programming in the Dar Sila Region of Eastern Chad, 2012-2015. Field Exchange 54: 64.
- Marshak A, Young H, Radday A (2016). Water, Livestock, and Malnutrition: Findings from an Impact Assessment of Community Resilience to Acute Malnutrition Programming in the Dar Sila Region of Eastern Chad, 2012-2015. Feinstein International Center.
- Mazurana D, Marshak A, Gordon R, Opio JH, Atim T, McEvoy B (2016). Disability and recovery from war in Northern Uganda. Third World Thematics: A TWQ Journal: 1-17.
- Marshak A, Young H, Bontrager E (2016). The Relationship between acute malnutrition, hygiene practices, water, and livestock and program implications in eastern Chad. Food and Nutrition Bulletin 38(1): 115-127
- Stites E, Marshak A (2016). Who are the Lonetia? Findings from southern Karamoja, Uganda. The Journal of Modern African Studies 54: 237-262.
- Sabarwal S, Evans DK, Marshak A (2014). The permanent input hypothesis: the case of textbooks and (no) student learning in Sierra Leone. World Bank.
- Mazurana D, Marshak A, Opio JH, Gordon R (2014). Surveying livelihoods, service delivery and governance: baseline evidence from Uganda. London: Secure Livelihoods Research Consortium.
- Jacobsen K, Marshak A, Griffith M (2009). Increasing the financial resilience of disaster-affected populations. Washington, DC: OFDA, USAID.
- Jacobsen K, Marshak A, Ofori-Adjei A, Kembabazi J (2006). Using Microenterprise Interventions to Support the Livelihoods of Forcibly Displaced People: The Impact of a Microcredit Program in IDP Camps in Lira, Northern Uganda. Refugee Survey Quarterly 25(2): 23-39.
- Amano, T, Kwak O, Fu L, Marshak A, Shi YB (2005). The matrix metalloproteinase stromelysin-3 cleaves laminin receptor at two distinct sites between the transmembrane domain and laminin binding sequence within the extracellular domain. Cell Research 15(3): 150-159.
- Amano, T, Fu L, Marshak A, Kwak O, and Shi YB (2005). Spatio‐temporal regulation and cleavage by matrix metalloproteinase stromelysin‐3 implicate a role for laminin receptor in intestinal remodeling during Xenopus laevis metamorphosis. Developmental dynamics 234(1): 190-200.