Grantor: National Science Foundation (NSF)
Award Number: 1855886
Program: Innovations in Graduate Education (IGE) Program
Grant Title: Solution-Oriented, Student-Initiated, Team-Based, Computationally-Enriched (SOLSTICE) Training
Start Date: 1 April 2019
End Date: 31 March 2022
Principal Investigators: Elena Naumova; Barbara Brizuela; Remco Chang
The SOLution-oriented, STudent-Intiated, team-based, Computationally-Enriched (SOLSTICE) Training Grant aims to teach graduate students to solve complex problems, think critically, and effectively communicate across inter-generational, trans-disciplinary research terms. Using a data-intensive, project-based learning approach, graduate students work collaboratively to design, evaluate, and disseminate research in team environments. Students build strong technical and leadership skills using team role-play as Team Leaders, Collaborators, and Reviewers of their own and their peers’ works.
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