CV | Email | LinkedIn | ResearchGate
• PhD Candidate, 2020, Food and Nutrition Policy and Programs & Humanitarian Assistance, Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy, Tufts University
• MA, 2007, Economics, School of Arts and Sciences, Boston University
• BS, 2006, Quantitative Economics and International Relations, School of Arts and Sciences, Tufts University
Research Interests
• Understanding the drivers of child malnutrition in humanitarian contexts with consideration for temporal variability
• The long-term impact of human rights violations on livelihoods in humanitarian contexts
• Evidence generation and methodological approaches in the humanitarian field
Research Highlights
Technical Series on the Conceptual Framework for Addressing Acute Malnutrition in Africa’s Drylands, Panelist, October 2020 (Virtual)

Marshak A, Young H, Radday A, Naumova EN (2020 – Accepted). Sustained Impact of a Multi-Sectoral Intervention on Child Nutrition Two Years after Program Completion. Maternal and Child Nutrition.
Marshak A (2019). Twin Peaks: the seasonality of acute malnutrition, conflict, and environmental factors in Chad, South Sudan, and the Sudan.
Atim A, Marshak A, Mazurana D, Farrar J (2018). The Effects of the Lord’s Resistance Army’s Violence on Victims from Northern Uganda in Prosecution vs. Dominic Ongwan. Feinstein International Center.
Young H, Marshak A (2018). Persistent Global Acute Malnutrition: A discussion paper on the scope of the problem, its drivers, and strategies for moving forward for policy, practice, and research. Feinstein International Center.
Marshak A, Young H, Radday A (2016). Water, Livestock, and Malnutrition: Findings from an Impact Assessment. Feinstein International Center.
State of the Humanitarian System, Panelist, December 2018, Boston, USA
- Humanitarian Action in Complex Emergencies. Graduate course, Tufts University Friedman School. Teaching Assistant (Fall 2018, Fall 2019, Fall 2020)
- Data Visualization and Communication. Graduate course, Tufts University Friedman School. Teaching Assistant (Spring 2018)
- Save the Children Fellowship Program. Research Grant, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. Quantitative Mentor (2018-2019)
- Intermediate and Advanced Data Analysis Retreat. Retreat, Tufts University Friedman School. Instructor (June and January 2017)
- Researcher, Feinstein International Center, Boston, MA. 2010-present
- Consultant, ACF, Boston, MA. 2019-present
- Consultant, Concern Worldwide, Boston, MA. 2018-2019
- Consultant, Save the Children, Boston, MA. 2018
- Consultant, International Criminal Court, Hague, Netherlands. 2018-2019
- Consultant, UNHCR, 2012
- Field Coordinator, World Bank, Freetown, Sierra Leone, 2008-2009
- Research Assistant, MIT Jameel Poverty Action Lab, Freetown, Sierra Leone, 2007-2008
- Research Assistant, Ugandan Women’s Effort to Save the Orphans, Lira, Uganda. 2006
- Marshak A, Young H, Radday A, Naumova EN (2020 - Accepted). Sustained Impact of a Multi-Sectoral Intervention on Child Nutrition Two Years after Program Completion. Maternal and Child Nutrition.
- Marshak A, Young H, Radday A, Naumova EN (2020). Sensitivity of Nutrition Indicators to Measure the Impact of a Multi-Sectoral Intervention: Cross-sectional, Household, and Individual Level Analysis. Environment Research and Public Health 17(9). https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/9/3121/htm.
- Mazurana D, Marshak A, Spears K (2020). Child marriage in armed conflict. International Review of the Red Cross 911. June 2020. https://international-review.icrc.org/articles/child-marriage-armed-conflict.
- Addressing Data Gaps on Child Marriage in Humanitarian Settings. Virtual Panel Presentation and Discussion hosted by Save the Children. Panelist. June 2020
- Young H, Marshak A, Venkat A (2019). Twin Peaks: the seasonality of acute malnutrition, conflict, and environment. Feinstein International Center.
- Stites E, Marshak A, Betkerur N, Carson S, Seaman M, Shaps E (2019). Synthesis Report: An Analysis of Four Case Studies of Youth Migration. Feinstein International Center.
- Atim T, Mazurana D, Marshak A (2019). Schools out: Why northern Uganda’s girls and boys are not getting an education and what to do about it. Feinstein International Center.
- Mazurana D, Marshak A, Atim T (2019). The state of the war-wounded in northern Uganda. Feinstein International Center.
- State of the Humanitarian System (2018). Panelist, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
- Atim T, Marshak A, Mazurana D, Farrar J (2018). The Effects of the Lord’s Resistance Army’s Violence on Victims from Northern Uganda in Prosecutor vs Dominic Ongwan. Feinstein International Center.
- Atim T, Mazurana D, Marshak A (2018). Women survivors and their children born of wartime sexual violence in northern Uganda. Disasters 42(S1): S61-78.
- Young H, Marshak A (2017). Persistent Global Acute Malnutrition: A discussion paper on the scope of the problem, its drivers, and recommendations for policy, practice, and research. Feinstein International Center.
- Benda C, Marshak A (2017). Resilience-building – easier said than done. Rural 21 51(4).
- Marshak A, Mazurana D, Opio JH, Gordon R, Atim T (2017). Tracking changes in livelihoods, service delivery and governance: evidence from 2013-2015 panel survey in Uganda. London: Secure Livelihoods Research Consortium.
- Marshak A, Young H, Radday A (2017). Water, Livestock, and Malnutrition: Findings from an Impact Assessment of Community Resilience to Acute Malnutrition Programming in the Dar Sila Region of Eastern Chad, 2012-2015. Field Exchange 54: 64.
- Marshak A, Young H, Radday A (2016). Water, Livestock, and Malnutrition: Findings from an Impact Assessment of Community Resilience to Acute Malnutrition Programming in the Dar Sila Region of Eastern Chad, 2012-2015. Feinstein International Center.
- Mazurana D, Marshak A, Gordon R, Opio JH, Atim T, McEvoy B (2016). Disability and recovery from war in Northern Uganda. Third World Thematics: A TWQ Journal: 1-17.
- Marshak A, Young H, Bontrager E (2016). The Relationship between acute malnutrition, hygiene practices, water, and livestock and program implications in eastern Chad. Food and Nutrition Bulletin 38(1): 115-127
- Stites E, Marshak A (2016). Who are the Lonetia? Findings from southern Karamoja, Uganda. The Journal of Modern African Studies 54: 237-262.
- Sabarwal S, Evans DK, Marshak A (2014). The permanent input hypothesis: the case of textbooks and (no) student learning in Sierra Leone. World Bank.
- Mazurana D, Marshak A, Opio JH, Gordon R (2014). Surveying livelihoods, service delivery and governance: baseline evidence from Uganda. London: Secure Livelihoods Research Consortium.
- Jacobsen K, Marshak A, Griffith M (2009). Increasing the financial resilience of disaster-affected populations. Washington, DC: OFDA, USAID.
- Jacobsen K, Marshak A, Ofori-Adjei A, Kembabazi J (2006). Using Microenterprise Interventions to Support the Livelihoods of Forcibly Displaced People: The Impact of a Microcredit Program in IDP Camps in Lira, Northern Uganda. Refugee Survey Quarterly 25(2): 23-39.
- Amano, T, Kwak O, Fu L, Marshak A, Shi YB (2005). The matrix metalloproteinase stromelysin-3 cleaves laminin receptor at two distinct sites between the transmembrane domain and laminin binding sequence within the extracellular domain. Cell Research 15(3): 150-159.
- Amano, T, Fu L, Marshak A, Kwak O, and Shi YB (2005). Spatio‐temporal regulation and cleavage by matrix metalloproteinase stromelysin‐3 implicate a role for laminin receptor in intestinal remodeling during Xenopus laevis metamorphosis. Developmental dynamics 234(1): 190-200.