Giusy Matzeu*, Gili R.S. Naveh*, Siddhart Agarwal, Jeffery A. Roshko, Nicholas A. Ostrovsky-Snider, Bradley S. Napier, and Fiorenzo G. Omenetto. Functionalized, mouth-conformable interfaces for pH evaluation of the oral cavity. Advanced Science 2021
Xu, Han; Lee, Andy; Sun, Lu; Naveh, Gili RS. 3D imaging of PDL collagen fibers during orthodontic tooth movement in mandibular murine model. Journal of Visual Experiments 2021
Connizzo, Brianne; Sun, Lu; Lacin, Nursima; Gendelman, Ashira; Solomonov, Inna; Sagi, Irit; Grodzinsky, Alan; Naveh, Gili RS. Non-Uniformity in Periodontal Ligament: Mechanics and Matrix Composition. Journal of Dental Research 2020
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