Research and Publications
- Johnson, A., Wendell, K, & Watkins, J. (2016) Examining Experienced Teachers’ Noticing of and Responses to Students’ Engineering. Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research. 7(1).
- Watkins, J., McCormick, M., Milto, E., Portsmore, M., Spencer, K., Wendell, K., and Hammer, D. (in press). Data-based conjectures for supporting responsive teaching in engineering design with elementary teachers. Science Education (forthcoming).
- Book chapter: Portsmore, M., & Milto, E. (Under Review). Novel Engineering in Early Elementary Classrooms. In L. English & T. Moore (Eds.), Early Engineering Learning Book. To Be Published: Springer.
- Wendell, K. B. (2014). Design Practices of Preservice Elementary Teachers in an Integrated Engineering and Literature Experience. Journal of PreCollege Engineering Education Research (JPEER). 4(2).
- Hynes, Morgan and Swenson, Jessica (2013). “The Humanistic Side of Engineering: Considering Social Science and Humanities Dimensions of Engineering in Education and Research”. Journal of PreCollege Engineering Education Research. 3(2).
- Watkins, Jessica; Spencer, Kathleen; and Hammer, David (2014). “Examining Young Students’ Problem Scoping in Engineering Design”. Journal of PreCollege Engineering Education Research (JPEER). 4 (1).
- Milto, E., Wendell, K., Watkins, J., Hammer, D., Spencer, K., Portsmore, M., & Rogers, C. (2016). Elementary school engineering for fictional clients in children’s literature. In Connecting Science & Engineering Education Practices in Meaningful Ways (pp. 263-291). Springer International Publishing.
Conference Papers and Presentations
- LEGO Engineering: from Kindergarten through College. LEGO Engineering Conference 2017, Australia (March 2017), Chris Rogers.
- Teaching Content Literacy in STEM. ITEEA Annual Conference, (Invited Panel Participant, March 18, 2017), Merredith Portsmore.
- Coppola, S., Madariaga, L., & Schnedeker, M. (2015). Assessing Teachers’ Experiences with STEM and Perceived Barriers to Teaching Engineering. 122nd American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference. Seattle, WA.
- Jessica Scolnic, Kathleen Spencer and Merredith Portsmore (2014). Viewing student engineering through the lens of “engineering moments”: An interpretive case study of 7th grade students with languagebased learning disabilities. 121st ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.. Indianapolis, IN.
- McCormick, M., Hammer, D., & Brizuela, B (2014). Engineering Design as imagining “what could be”. Jean Piaget Society. San Francisco, CA.
- McCormick, Mary. Wendell, Kristen B. & O’Connell, Brian Patrick (2014). Student Videos as a Tool for Elementary Teacher Development in Teaching Engineering: What Do Teachers Notice?. 121st ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. Indianapolis, IN.
- McCormick, M., & Watkins, J. (2015). Pretending and Engineering: An examination of students’ dynamic engagement in Novel Engineering design activities. American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference. Seattle, WA.
- Using Human-Centered Design in K-5. Invited Session, ITEEA Annual Conference, (March 16, 2017), Merredith Portsmore & Becky McDowell.
- Novel Engineering. Deeper Learning Conference 2017, San Diego, California, (March 28th-April 1, 2017), Alex Pugnali.
- Hammer, David, “How do students frame what they’re doing?” , bibl. , (2012). Talk Published
- McCormick, M. (2014).Engineering for Colonial Times. Proceedings from Annual American Society of Engineering Education Conference and Exhibition, Indianapolis, IN.
- McCormick, M and Hammer, D. (2014). The Beginnings of Engineering Design in an Integrated Engineering and Literacy Task. International Conference of the Learning Sciences. Boulder, CO.
- McCormick, M. & Hynes, M. (2012). Engineering in a Fictional World: Early Findings from Integrating Engineering and Literacy. Proceedings from Annual American Society of Engineering Education Conference and Exhibition, Texas.
- Yang, L. A., Johnson, A. W., & Portsmore, M. D. (2015). Eliciting Informed Designer Patterns from Elementary Students with OpenEnded Problems. American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference. Seattle, WA.
- McCormick, M. (2015). Complex dynamics of student engagement in Novel Engineering design activities. (Doctoral dissertation). Tufts University.
- Bitetti, S.M. (2016). The Development and Implementation of a Tool for Encouraging the Practice of Student-Driven Documentation in Engineering Design. Masters Thesis for Tufts University.
- Mehta, L. (2015). Understanding Novel Engineering Implementation Barriers for Teachers. (Master’s thesis). Tufts University.