How does Peace Games develop and implement the curriculum used during practicum?
Peace Games curriculum is both child development and peace & justice oriented. Specifically, we explore peaceful themes such as communication and advocacy through developmentally appropriate practices and scaffolded learning. The curriculum caters to a variety of learning styles, taking into account Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences. Throughout the program, one can find art projects, games, small and large discussion groups, collaborative and individual work, physical activities, and more, in the hopes that every child’s interests and strengths can be included. Since consistency and stability is crucial in creating a safe and comfortable environment, the curriculum has a specific structure that remains the same throughout each session. There are opening and closing gatherings, as well as activities with small group discussions every week. Peace Games leaders and children get to know one another better and foster a space more conducive to meaningful discussion through these small groups. Circles and talking pieces are used to regulate conversation and to maintain a sense of democracy, safety, dependability, and trust.
Summary: Fostering and encouraging peace education is incredibly important to us and our team members. Each semester, we work in discussion groups and go through training sessions to better prepare for youth education. Our members are committed to working with children and helping them
gain as many skills as possible to become active members of their communities.
gain as many skills as possible to become active members of their communities.