About us

People of Planning holds space for UEP students interested in taking an anti-racist lens to planning and to explore how our various backgrounds, life experiences, and identities show up in academic and professional settings through forming relationships, supporting each other, and building community. 

Through an array of events and activities, we aim to build community, create shared spaces for discussion, and promote the exchange of ideas among students and practitioners. While some of these spaces will be intentionally held for specific affinity groups, POP events are open to all. 

In the long term, we aim to:

  • Create mentorship opportunities for our members
  • Connect with professional groups whose goals align with ours
  • Examine how UEP’s current admissions process serves prospective students of minoritized identities, and propose improvements
  • Aid the department’s efforts to become more diverse and inclusive

At the beginning of each semester, we will review this statement, adjusting or setting new goals in accordance with members’ interests and needs.